Door Manual Repair For 2016 Oldsmobile Intrigue
Oldsmobile. Select Make.
Oldsmobile Intrigue Accessories and Parts: Custom Headlights, Chrome. Oldsmobile Intrigue Interior Accessories. Vertical Doors. Auto Repair Manuals.
Inspired by the Aurora and the Antares series of the company, the Oldsmobile Intrigue is a mid-size 4-door sedan manufactured from 1998 to 2002. Despite a relatively short production cycle, the Intrigue managed to significantly evolve over the years. The first generation of the Intrigue was equipped with a 3.8-liter V6 engine that generated 195 hp, but the 2000 model was powered by a new 3.5L DOHC engine nicknamed “Shortstar” – the in any W-body car at the time. Other exclusive features included an optional antiskid Precision Control System, the OnStar emergency/communications system, and numerous changes to both interior and exterior designs that made this model even more luxurious and, as a result, more popular. There’s no doubt that the Oldsmobile Intrigue could become one of the staples of the current mid-size car market, but, sadly, the company closed before that could happen. The Intrigue completely justifies its name: it is quite rare, beautiful, and sure to attract a lot of curiosity and jealousy on the streets.
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However, poor performance can ruin the mystique of the Intrigue. Here at CARiD, we cannot allow this to happen. So we offer you only the highest quality Oldsmobile Intrigue parts on the market that will quickly restore the car to its former glory.
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