Trane Furnace Manual Ysc036a
This one covers the IFC error codes for most Trane furnaces. This video is part of the heating and cooling series of training videos made to accompany my websites: and to pass on what I have learned in many years of service and repair.
If you have suggestions or comments they are welcome. If you are a homeowner looking to repair your own appliance, understand that the voltages can be lethal, the fuels are highly flammable and high pressures are used. Know your limits.
SC-11 2-1/2-5 T on (2TTA3). SC-12 2-1/2-5 T on (4TTA3). SC-13 2-1/2-6 T on (2TTA0). SC-14 7-1/2-10 T on (TT A).
RT-SVX21F-EN Model Numbers: YSC036A - YSC120A YHC036E. Trane Model Numbers Get Manual Guide info about.
- Parts for 378 models of TRANE Air Conditioners. Parts Lists and photos available to help find your replacement parts.
- My blog ysc036a - ysc120a Trane yfd 180 trane product data upflow AOP Commercial HVAC. Ysc technical manual Does anyone have a link for a service manual to.
SC-15 10-20 T on (TT A120-240B ). SC-16 10-20 T on (TT A120-180C ). SC-18 20 T on (TT A240F).
SC-19 7-1/2-20 Ton Access ories (TT A). SC-20 7-1/2-20 T on Thermostats (TT A). SH-11 2-1/2-5 T on (2TW A3).
SH-12 2-1/2-5 T on (4TW A3). SH-13 2-1/2-6 T on (2TW A0). SH-14 7-1/2-10 T on (TWA ). SH-15 15-20 T on (TWA ).
SH-16 7-1/2-20 Ton Thermostats (TWA ). Nomenc latures. AH-1-4 Va riable Speed Con vertible Air -Tite™ for R-4 10A (2TEE3).
AH-5 Va riable Speed Con vertible Air -Tite™ for R-4 10A (4TEE3). AH-6 Va riable Speed Acce ssories & Heaters (2/4 TEE3).
AH-7 V ertical Bottom and F ront Return Air-Tite ™ for R-22 (2TFB). Sp eed Vertic al Bottom/Fro nt Return Air-Tite™ (2/4TFE).
AH-9 High Efficiency Conve rtible Air-Tite™ (2TEH). AH-10 High Efficiency Conve rtible Air-Tite™ (4TEH). AH-11 Conv ertible Air-Tite™ for R-22 (2TEC). AH-12 Conv ertible Air-Tite™ for R-410A (4TEC). AH-13 V ertical Upflow an d Horizontal Lef t Air-Tite™ f or R-22 (2TGB ).
Trane Furnace Manual Download
AH-14 Conv ertible 5-10 T on (TWE-A/ B). AH-15 Conv ertible 5-10 Ton Accessories (TWE-A/B). AH-16 Conv ertible 5-10 Ton Heaters (TWE-A/B). AH-18 Conv ertible 15-20 Ton (TWE-B). AH-19 Conv ertible 15-20 Ton (TWE-E). AH-20 Conv ertible 15-20 To n Accessories (TWE-B/E). T wo Stage Variable Speed Downflow/Horizo ntal (TDY).FU-20 Special Use Furnace Accessori es.FU-21 Quick Refer ence- Upflow/H orizontal.FU-23 Quick Referen ce- Downflo w/ Horizonta l.FU-25 Va riable Speed High Efficiency Oil Furnaces.FU-27 High Efficienc y Oil Furnaces.
FU-28 Coil Enclosures.FU-29 Heat Pump/ Cooling Coil Nomenclature s. FU-30-31 Aluminum High Efficiency Cased Coils (2TXC).FU-32 High Efficienc y Cased Comfort™ Coils (TXC, 2/4TXF).FU-33 High Efficiency Cased Comfort™ Coils for R-410A (RXC, RXA) FU-34 Rev ersible Cased Comf ort™ Coils (2TXC).FU-35 Split System Cased Comfort™ Coils (2/4TXC).FU-36 Split System Cooling Only Cased Coils (2/4CXC).FU-37 Split System Cooling Only Uncased Coils (2/4CXA). FU-38 Rev ersible Aluminu m Cased Comfort ™ Coils (2TXC).FU-39 Split System Alu minum Cased Com fort ™ Coils (2/4TXC). FU-40 Split System Cooling Only Alumin um Cased Coils (2/4CXC). FU-41 Split System Coo ling Only Aluminum Unc ased Coils (2/4CXA ). FU-42 Comfo rt™ Coils Dual Circuit Cased Coils (TXC).
CleanEff ects™ Whole House Air Cleaner (TFD).IC-1 CleanEff ects™ Upgrade Kit (TFD). IC-2 Perf ect Fit™ Electron ic Air Cleaners (TFE). IC-3 Perfect Fit™ Filter Enclosures (TFP, TFM). IC-4-5 Perf ect Fit™ Filter Accesso ries.IC-6 Energy Recove ry Venti lator (ERV) Model Nomenclature. IC-7 FreshEffects™ Energy Recovery Ventilator (TERV). IC-8 +1 Add On Heat Pump Control Kit.
IC-9 Humidifiers F an Powered and Bypass. IC-10 Linesets. IC-11 Comfo rt Controls for Cooling, Gas Heating, Elec tric Heating. IC-12 Comfo rt Controls for Heat Pumps. IC-13 T racker/V ariTrac.
Trane Furnace Manual
IC-14-23 Integr ated Zone™ System. IC-24-2 9 Thermal Expansion Valv e Accesso ries.
IC-30-3 1 Thermal Expansion V alve Kits (R-410A, R-22).