Computer Security Lab Manual
Principles Of Computer Security Lab Manual
Practice the Computer Security Skills You Need to Succeed! Part I: Networking Basics: How Do Networks Work 1. Workstation Network Con?guration and Connectivity 2. Network Transports 3. Network Applications Part II: Vulnerabilities and Threats-How Can Systems Be Compromised 4.
Principles of Computer Security Lab Manual, Fourth Edition Vincent Nestler, Keith Harrison, Matthew Hirsch, Wm. Arthur Conklin ISBN: 555 /.
Penetration Testing 5. Attacks-Attacks Against Applications 6. Escalating Privilege-Sniffing, Keylogging, Password-Cracking Attacks Part III: Prevention: How Do We Prevent Harm to Systems 7. Hardening the Host Computer 8. Securing Network Communications Part IV: Detection and Response: How Do We Detect and Respond to Attacks 9. Preparing for and Detecting Attacks 10.
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